Four Global Trends That Demand Adaptability

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Change and disruption are impacting businesses globally. Understanding the trends can help promote your organization’s adaptability and resilience.

“If there is one takeaway from the turbulence we have seen in the past few years, it’s that the world is not set to revert to normal

Jo Taylor
President and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, writing for The World Economic Forum

In an article, “Resilience and adaptability are key to navigating today’s world. Here’s why”, written for this year’s World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Jo Taylor, President and CEO of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, examines four important trends making waves in business on a global scale:

  • The End of Hyper-Globalization
  • The Politicization of the Marketplace
  • The Evolution of Sustainability
  • The Rapid Rise of Artificial Intelligence

The End of Hyper-Globalization

For the past 30 years, global interconnectedness allowed businesses to optimize operations internationally. However, this era is concluding, with major economies like the US and China reducing their mutual dependence in critical sectors, particularly advanced technology manufacturing. As countries and companies focus on securing and strengthening supply chains, “businesses will face complex choices. It will be important for leaders to understand where the biggest risks lie and to be able to spot opportunities arising from these realignments.” This shift may lead to higher inflation and sustained interest rates, requiring adaptability from businesses to navigate these new challenges.

The Politicization of the Marketplace

The increasing politicization of the marketplace is closely tied to the decline of hyper-globalization. Heightened geopolitical tensions and conflicts are causing investors to worry more about global instability, impacting foreign direct investment. Meanwhile, domestic political polarization is pressuring companies to take stances on contentious issues. “For businesses, it will be key to successfully articulate a clear vision and sound strategy in the face of these pressures, and to retain the trust of key stakeholders.” Resilience will be essential for companies to manage these complex dynamics.

The Evolution of Sustainability

At the COP28 summit, nearly 200 countries committed to moving away from fossil fuels, signaling that government policies are driving the transition to low-carbon energy. As more businesses align with sustainable practices, there are increasing investment opportunities in renewable technologies and infrastructure. However, the transition will be complex and costly. “Managing businesses to achieve a positive environmental impact is now seen as the right thing to do, not just for the world but for business itself.” Companies will need to adapt quickly to these new standards while balancing pressures to advance sustainability goals. Such rapid change requires organizations to be nimble and willing to let go of processes that may have previously been seen as core to their operations.

The Rapid Rise of Artificial Intelligence

The rapid advancement and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping business practices. AI is enhancing productivity and predictive capabilities, though its long-term impact remains debated. While some regions, like the EU, are starting to regulate AI, “the challenge for business will be how to look past the hype and determine the best use cases for AI, while minimizing any risks it could pose.” Businesses must be adaptable and discerning to effectively integrate AI while managing its potential risks.


The four key trends discussed above underscore the unprecedented pace of change that businesses must now navigate. Each trend reveals the critical importance of adaptability: the ability to swiftly pivot strategies, realign priorities, and embrace new ways of operating in the face of uncertainty and disruption.

Competitive Edge’s offers AQme assessments designed to help organizations and individuals understand their capacity to adapt to such changes. These assessments, in tandem with comprehensive certified training, provide valuable insights into how well-positioned your teams and their members are to respond to unforeseen challenges and seize new opportunities. In an environment where agility and resilience are more critical than ever, understanding your team’s adaptability quotient can be the key to not just surviving, but thriving in this evolving landscape.

By leveraging our AQ assessments and certification training, organizations can identify strengths and areas for development, enabling them to foster a culture that supports continuous learning and innovation. As businesses confront the realities of global shifts, political complexities, sustainability pressures, and technological advancements, being aware of and actively developing adaptability will be crucial for long-term success. Competitive Edge is here to support you in measuring and enhancing this vital skill, ensuring your organization remains resilient and competitive in the face of ongoing change.

Click here for more information about Competitive Edge’s AQ Certification training programs.

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