Invesco DISC and Motivators Request Form This request form must be completed at least 2 weeks in advance of your consultation. If you have any questions, please call 770.319.0310. Reminder: All Financial Advisors listed below must be in Salesforce at the time of this request. CEO Advisor Consultant —Please choose an option—Paul BrunswickJay TherrienJT ThorpeTim WilkinsonDavid ThomasWayne Badorf Type of Report —Please choose an option—DISC onlyMotivators onlyDISC and Motivators Meeting Date (if scheduled) Confirmed with team? —Please choose an option—Hard dateSoft date SAC Name SAC Email Address Team Name to Identify Team/Practice Need Team Summary? —Please choose an option—YesNoRevision (Update Team Summary already on file) Once we have received this form, we generally send out the access email within one business day. The respondent automatically receives their own results within ten minutes of completion. We will forward all team results to the CEO Advisor Consultant and SAC. List the first name and email address of each person to be assessed. Name 1 Email 1 Name 2 Email 2 Name 3 Email 3 Name 4 Email 4 Name 5 Email 5 Name 6 Email 6 Name 7 Email 7 Name 8 Email 8 Name 9 Email 9 Name 10 Email 10 NOTE: If this is a Team Summary revision, list all team members' names in the box below. Special Requests / Notes / Additional Members Form Submitted by: Name Email Δ