What is your predominant behavioral style?
This is a quick self-assessment to reveal your most prominent behavioral style according to DISC. It is not meant to be as accurate as a full assessment, but just a fun way to introduce you to the DISC concepts.
“In order to understand our relationships with other people, we must first understand ourselves.”
~ Bill Bonnstetter
Founder of Target Training International and developer of the first computerized DISC and Motivators Assessments
Understanding Self and Others with DISC
Behavioral science research indicates that all human behavior is either needs-motivated or values-driven. Since values arise out of and interact with needs, it is important to understand the different types of needs-motivated behaviors that we ourselves exhibit and that are exhibited by other individuals on a daily basis. Philosophers, psychologists, and managerial sciences researchers have identified four basic psychological needs that exist in all people.
However, most individuals will usually be energized by one or two of these needs at any given time. In any given situation usually one or two of these behaviors will be more appropriate. If an individual’s goal is to create an environment where positive interaction can occur, it is necessary to know which behavior will be most effective. The more an individual knows about himself and consciously chooses to utilize the behaviors that are most appropriate, the more likely the individual’s actions will result in his/her goals being met.
- All individuals have some of all four tendencies but will usually be controlled by two of these tendencies. 4% of the population will exhibit behavior energized by primarily one factor; 50% will be energized by two of these factors; and 46% will exhibit behavior combining three of these factors.
- People energized by three factors tend to be more flexible behaviorally. However, in every “live-or-die,” “fight or flight” situation, one instinctive or core trait tendency will control the actions of the individuals because that need is essential for that person’s long-term survival.
We have carefully selected the most accurate DISC-based assessment tools to aid you in evaluating members of your organization. Click here to view our list of assessments and download a few sample reports to see the actionable behavioral insights we can provide. Give us a call at (770) 487-6460 or use our contact form and we’ll be happy to help you find the assessment tools that fit your organization’s needs.